

Kedeeshah, is a short film which is part documentary and part choreographic score. The film explores the connection between movement and life and the dichotomy that to live is to move but also to move towards death.

“The poetry of the image, of the movement and of the words are able to speak to the audience's soul. Kedeeshah appears to be true, a wonderful woman with great spiritual energy, a free spirit that dances the love for life and earth through time and generations” Interfaccia Digitale Audience member 
Receiver of the “Special mention at the Interfaccia Digitale Award 2022” 


A work by Sivan Rubinstein
Performed by: Aturah Kedeeshah Baht Israel
Music composed and produced by Liran Donin, featuring Idris Rahman 
Director of Photography: Bar Alon 
Editor: Jurga Ramonaite
Cinematography : Shai Skiff  and Dror Shohet
Music mastering: Gal Cohen
Creative Producer: Lia Prentaki 
Access Support Worker: Lauryn Pinard

With thanks to The Hebrew Israelite Community of Dimonah, The Zvulon Dance Studio led by Tsiferah Baht Israel. 

Co-produced and commissioned by The Place. Supported using public funding from Arts Council England.